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Teleskop-Entfernungsmesser für Golf und Jagd

Geräte für Golf-Entfernungen

PRO X7 Geräte für Golf-Entfernungen is with wireless charging set will free users of problem of replacing batteries. It is very easy to charge.You only need to connect the USB cable to power source, then it will be good to use for a long time.
Featuring slope calculation is in a compact size: 106*73*35mm, weight only 146g. Durable ,rainproof and dust proof body. Modes: ranging, scan, flagpole/pin lock, Steigung ( Get the slope and the adjusted distance. ), vertical height measurements, horizontal distance measurements, fog, speed km/h


No more doubt of distance. Our Jagd-Entfernungsmesser provides true  measurement with accuracy of +/-1 yard. Maximum range
Optionen: 600m, 1000m & 1500m.

The Laser-Entfernungsmesser hunting sale is with up to 1500m long range, accurate to +/-1m.  It comes with a very stringent accuracy that provides you the actual distance from 5 to1500m, furthermore 1600 yards for highly reflective target. It features powerful optical 6x magnification and transparently clear lens which gives you very close feeling to your target. 

Entfernungsmesser für die Jagd

Entfernungsmesser für die Jagd is with water resistance full metal housing. It has two version: one is with top red laser ; the other version is without red laser.
Der rote Laser dient zum Ausrichten und kann nach dem Ausrichten mit dem Zielfernrohr ausgeschaltet werden. 

Entfernungsmesser Pinseeker

High accuracy Entfernungsmesser Pinseeker LW2002 adapted new Laser Echo Center Detection Technology(LECD technology) insures the ranging accuracy to different reflective targets and offers resolution to +/-0.1m.
Die verbesserte Optik bietet eine hohe Durchlässigkeit im Vergleich zu Original-Entfernungsmessern.  


Ungraded LRNV009 infrared Tag-Nachtsicht offers outstanding optical clarity,ultimate illumination and an unmatched field of view. Compact model features rugged, weather-resistant housing,available toadd an IR flashlight to dramatically increase viewing range.
Es ist perfekt für Camping, Höhlenforschung, Tierbeobachtung und Überwachung.

Golf-Entfernungsmesser mit Steigung

Our Golf-Entfernungsmesser mit Steigung is equipped with robust features that eliminate uncertainty, giving you the information you need to make a perfect swing. Not only does it tell you how many yards away the next flag is, it even has an optional slope compensation feature to provide accurate “play as” suggestions.

The S7 Steigung Laser Rangefinder is the ultimate measurement tool for golf. Distance to any target on the golf course at just the touch of a button. But that's not all -- slope measurements and slope compensated distance are yours as well. Knowing the precise distance to your target is the first step in the quest toward better swings, and S7 gives you everything you need to play your best.